The Best Job I Ever Had
“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.†-Hellen Keller In honor of Labor Day, I’ve been reflecting on my career […]
Cybersecurity New Years Resolution
I don’t normally make New Year’s resolutions. But when I do, I start them in March. As you may have noticed, I decided to start blogging again. I published a book last year on cybersecurity for the layperson (managers, salespeople, executives) and I knew I wanted to begin writing a sequel. I didn’t have a theme […]
Cybersecurity Training Scars
There’s an old story in law enforcement circles that comes from the era of revolvers. During practice, officers would dump their spent brass cartridges into their hand after shooting a round rather than letting the brass fall to the floor where other people might slip and fall on it. Officers would then take the time to put […]
An OSI Model for Security Awareness
There are two parts of every great performance: the outer game and the inner game. Most books on coaching focus on the outer game. The outer game is what happens on the field. What sport are you playing? What plays are happening? What techniques are you using to hold or hit the ball? How do […]
The Strongest Element
In Cybersecurity we refer to employees as the Human Element. We generally call the Human Element the weakest link in Cybersecurity. It’s easy to see the logic in this, but unfortunately for many of us, this is wrong. Humans are the Strongest Element in Cybersecurity. Sure, humans are the ones that make the mistakes. They […]
Embracing Wellness in CyberSecurity
CyberSecurity is a life skill.
CISPA – The Government’s consolation prize for not passing SOPA
Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). While the bill was introduced with bibartisan sponsors, the bill passed the house on mostly party lines…Republican “yes” votes were 206 and Democrat “No” votes were 140. Both sponsors were the ranking members of the House Intelligence Committee. 42 democrats […]