The Next Generation of Security Professionals

Yes…that’s me and my wife, hanging out with Jeordi LaForge (LeVar Burton), Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden), and Mr. Data (Brent Spiner).  Trek yourself before you wreck yourself. In The War of Art, Steven Pressfield says that the difference between an amateur and a professional is that the professional has a plan. According to CSO […]

Unsolicited Advice For Solicitors

“These are the new leads. These are the Glengarry leads. And to you they’re gold, and you don’t get them. Why? Because to give them to you is just throwing them away. They’re for closers.” –Glengarry Glen Ross This past week I got around 70 cold calls or emails from vendors I’ve never worked with […]

Pick Up Lines Vs. Social Engineering

One of my favorite pickup lines goes like this…have a girl feel the cuff of your jacket or shirt. Ask her, “do you know what kind of material this is”? And when she says no, tell her “boyfriend” material. Here’s a thought exercise. (Disclaimer, I could be totally wrong. Also, I’ve never used a pick […]

Herd Immunity & Information Sharing In Cybersecurity

As I raise my child, I’m continually amazed at how fragile we are as a species. What’s more, how do animals survive in the wild? Not only do herds of giraffe’s or antelope have to face illnesses, they have to fight off large predators. We’re in a similar situation with cybersecurity. Hackers act in a […]

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